Thursday, April 25, 2019

Marine back from Deployment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Marine rachis from Deployment - Essay ExampleNormally, soldiers defend their nations and their people. The great sense of duty and patriotism remains the major private road force for their actions in the field or against known enemy.The persons experience in Afghanistan was an heart and soul opener for him. There was moreover mistrust amongst the people of Afghanistan and general public was suspicious and fearful. The environment of perplexity was most discouraging and was inclined to foster subtle aggressiveness and simmering violence both amongst the marines and people. This was a dangerous situation where innocent people often used to become the scapegoat and target of forces and terrorists both. All during his stay, marine was even wary of the intentions of even the innocent children The life of marine in foreign deployment, especially in unknown terrain that is strife ridden, is full of risks. Their long absence from home not only makes them homesick but often contributes in developing doubts and distrust in human

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