Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Diversion Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Diversion Program - Essay ExampleDiversion program in the outlaw justice system is a program run by a police department, court, a district attorneys office, or outside agency designed to enable offenders of criminal law to avoid criminal charges and a criminal record. In October 2007, World Sport Chicago with the cooperation of USA Boxing, Chicago Park rule and Police Athlete league of Illinois, launched a program Gloves not Guns to encourage school children to pick up boxing gloves and not guns to deal with aggression.The purpose of the gloves not guns program is to save youth from offenses and street crimes. So they chose boxing as a tool by which students can take out all their ira and aggression in the ring. They can put off their stress in a legal substance rather than indulging themselves in any unwanted acts.Most importantly, this program will provide our kids with demonstrable alternatives and keep them off the streets and away from the dangers of gangs, guns and drugs. By motivating young people to spend their spare age in the gym, rather than on the streets, well be using sports to change peoples lives for the better.If we look at this program from the emplacement of affectionate process theories, we observe that all the factors of social learning theory, social control theory and social reaction theory are associat

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