Monday, April 29, 2019

Computer Crimes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Computer Crimes - enquiry Paper ExampleConsumers have their own personal data and they have their own personal communion winning place on the data processor through the internet.Computer viruses and hacking programs tend to affect all these irreproachable victims and they become helpless in all these situations. They lose their confidential data and at times some(prenominal) organizations may lose their back up data and end up in many formal and organizational level problems. Credit transaction information can be hacked easily by sea captain hackers and it causes huge losses to the consumers, companies and as well as government agencies.Government agencies have their own functionary transactions taking place on the ready reckoners and they transfer their information through the internet as well. When these dissimilar types of computer crimes argon taking place it affects the government and at times may affect the state as well. All these innocent victims tend to get target ed in a serious manner when computer crimes be taking place.There are many computer manufacturing companies that are operating around us. These computer companies while manufacturing the computers are not able to develop programs that may protect the computers from the hackers. The hackers are always up with new types of programs and viruses that tend to affect the computer users and cause a lot of damage to them.The computer manufacturers are not able to have programs that show evidence of tracking down the hackers in a libertine mode. It is extremely difficult to trace the hackers from where they have operated the viruses or hacked the computers of all the innocent people and organizations.The computer manufacturers are not able to develop programs that can protect their valuable users from the various computer crimes that are taking place in the society. Any user that is using the computer and the internet are prone to be attacked by hackers and various types of viruses. The an tivirus

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