Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Container Shipping and Chinese Stability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Container Shipping and Chinese constancy - Essay ExampleA positive development and a spread of container-based ecstasy industry atomic number 18 supported by its ability to provide different countries in-time with required goods. This industry has made chinaware a promptly industrialised country. Still, there are several uncovered issues in the container-based shipping industry. Currently, mainland China is rapidly ontogeny as the worlds leader on several fronts. The mechanisms of Chinas enrichment promote a vivid discussion among modern experts, researchers and scientists. Figure 1 China in the world oceanic economy. This figure shows the Chinese contribution to 6 key areas of world economic and maritime activity. (Stopford 2007, p.2) Container shipping operates show up the general societys sight. Thats why this secret industry is interesting for the modern society. ... roughly 75% of supranational cargo volume is involved in shipping industry. China is on the upswing an d shipping industry in this country is a rapidly developing industry. It is a well-known fact that China is steadily moving to position itself as the worlds greatest power (Stopford 2007) . Consequently, the development of a potential country-world leader and shipping industry, which is responsible for the major part of trade operations in the international market, makes this research applicable to the field of Chinas economy. Different aspects of Chinas development, social peculiarities, play of EU regulations on shipping in China makes a context of the study rather complicated. Nevertheless, it is applicable to conduct the research on the basis of available literary sources and empirical data from recent studies. scope of Chinese shipping industry development China is economically fortunate, because of its geographical position and abundant shipping resources. Nearly 40% of Chinese workers live near coastal regions, the GDP in the country increases 50% and the shipping sector carries out 80% of national import and export activities (Talley 2000). Figure 2 Chinese imports and exports activity steadily increasing (Stopford 2007, p.5) Starting from 1970s, Chinas shipping industry has been steadily developing under conditions of continuous development of international trade. International shipping operations are the most relevant operations and well-known on the international arena for Chinas business partners. Current perspectives of Chinas shipping industry development International cooperation opens impressive perspectives for China.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Computer Crimes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Computer Crimes - enquiry Paper ExampleConsumers have their own personal data and they have their own personal communion winning place on the data processor through the internet.Computer viruses and hacking programs tend to affect all these irreproachable victims and they become helpless in all these situations. They lose their confidential data and at times some(prenominal) organizations may lose their back up data and end up in many formal and organizational level problems. Credit transaction information can be hacked easily by sea captain hackers and it causes huge losses to the consumers, companies and as well as government agencies.Government agencies have their own functionary transactions taking place on the ready reckoners and they transfer their information through the internet as well. When these dissimilar types of computer crimes argon taking place it affects the government and at times may affect the state as well. All these innocent victims tend to get target ed in a serious manner when computer crimes be taking place.There are many computer manufacturing companies that are operating around us. These computer companies while manufacturing the computers are not able to develop programs that may protect the computers from the hackers. The hackers are always up with new types of programs and viruses that tend to affect the computer users and cause a lot of damage to them.The computer manufacturers are not able to have programs that show evidence of tracking down the hackers in a libertine mode. It is extremely difficult to trace the hackers from where they have operated the viruses or hacked the computers of all the innocent people and organizations.The computer manufacturers are not able to develop programs that can protect their valuable users from the various computer crimes that are taking place in the society. Any user that is using the computer and the internet are prone to be attacked by hackers and various types of viruses. The an tivirus

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Technology in Air Pollution Reduction Research Paper

Technology in tune befoulment Reduction - Research Paper ExampleThe paper Technology in Air Pollution Reduction discovers Technology in Air Pollution Reduction. Particulate matter can also be removed using an Electrostatic Air Cleaner (or Electrostatic Precipitator). An Electrostatic Air Cleaner is employ in industries such as pulp mills, oil & fired utilities and oil refineries. Putantunda suggests that this furrow pollution verify method uses the brawniness generated by an induced electrostatic charge, to collect particulates from any flowing squander. The filtration devices are effectual and effective in trapping particles, like dust and smoke, from a stream of gas. The mechanism of Electrostatic Precipitators (ESPs) involves gas ionization, electric charging of the gas particles, transportation of the particles to the charm step up of the ESP neutralization of the charge of the gas particles and removal of dust particles from the collecting surface. The ESP is advantag eous because it is can be modified during manufacture so that it has a near perfect efficiency of collecting particulates. The electrostatic precipitator can also work mechanically when fitted with control devices. An important consideration when determining whether to engage in applied science is cost. The ESP has a genuinely low maintenance cost demands. However, the capital required to apply this technology is substantial. This technology is only circumscribe to trapping particulates only. It is impossible to trap air pollutants like the sulfur oxides using ESP. Sulfur oxide (SO2) is removed.... The incoming unloose gas is sprayed with limestone generating carbon dioxide and solid calcium sulfate (Kumar, n.d.). The lime scrubber method is also utilize to remove sulfur oxide where lime instead of limestone is used instead. The scrubbing liquid is usually water. The particulate collection process can be follows four steps transportation of the particles, collision of the parti cles with water droplets due to surface tension and the removal of water droplets from the particles. Wet scrubber technique is useful in trapping air pollutants in the form of solids and gases. It is however expensive to maintain because it easily corrodes. Another demerit of using this technology is that, it has a waste system consisting of the scrubbing liquid laden with the pollutants. After it has been used, this liquid poses a danger of water pollution if not properly disposed. Compared to the ESP technology, the wet scrubber uses more energy in terms of electricity. This is because energy is used in the flowing scrubbing liquid that traps air pollutants. However, for the ESP, the only energy applied is for the particulates being collected. Catalytic convertors The Advanced Clean Air Technologies (ACAT) unveiled an advanced catalytic converter that can reduce emissions drastically testing parameters depict a high efficiency in cut back of particulate matter released to the atmosphere and a subsequent air pollution reduction. Catalytic converters involve straightforward technology for the appropriate tuning of vehicle engines to control vehicle emissions. For catalytic converters to function properly, they require platinum and palladium catalysts which are attached to a ceramic material. This technology is very effective in commanding car emission as it provides a high

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Trafficking Paper Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Trafficking Paper Final - Essay physical exertionThe issues of migration, consent, and working conditions of every last(predicate) trafficked persons argon among the concerns pointed out by both sides of the debate. Interestingly, while the understanding of trafficking and its definitions hand expanded, discussions of trafficking are often dummy up limited to its most salacious aspects, verging at times on voyeurism. (Ditmore, 2005a) Laws on prostitution vary significantly from one country to another scarcely generally fall into 3 categories prohibition, which makes all prostitution illegal regulation, which legalizes and regulates prostitution and abolition, which decriminalizes prostitution. (Barry, 1995) Nevertheless, given all these policies and their good intentions, the human rights of the trafficked person are still ignored. As one author put it responsive action to the problem of human trafficking is still recrudesce than new laws, national or international. (Barry, 19 95)In the 19th century, the armament was often ineffective due to genital disease. Not surprisingly, this was traced to their sexual activities with prostitutes. As a result, the immediate focus of the government was to prevent the contamination but without impinging on the soldiers sexual behaviors. A place was set up where public prostitutes were registered and required to have semi-weekly examinations. Trafficking, which was synonymous to prostitution that time, was to be regulated because it was a way of passing on the disease to the military personnel. However, the Act only applied to women.(Barry, 1995, p.93) The Contagious Diseases Acts were designed to protect the health of the military men by subjecting any woman whom the special Morals Police identified as a prostitute to a surgical examination, which involved the use of crude instruments for special vaginal examinations by often cruel doctors.The

Friday, April 26, 2019

Communication Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Communication Analysis - Essay Example cabal of set of skills such as nonverbal communication, thoughtful sense of hearing, stress management in the moment, and the ability to separate and understand ones own emotions and those of the person youre communicating with, can efficiently drive the point home. The paper, therefore, tends to probe a communication with the aim of identifying the techniques that need to be employed to make it useful.There is this case where an plaque was planning to come up with a short-term spue that would change the way various activities were carried turn out and all members were to get involved in carrying out the travail. Planning officer was to come up with a procedural plan for how that project was to be carried out and, the only method that he could use in delivering the information about the project was through conducting organizational framework to allocate tasks. During the session, noises, poor feedback, poor non-verbal communication, an a mbiguity of some terms, lack of confidence, lack of alternative channels as well as environmental friendliness. The project was effectively done through the organization experienced low morale of the employees, reduced efficiency of the project as well a lack of innovation.From the above it is many cleats that the organization did not fall upon its target and, experienced a significant loss. The primary cause of the problem was not the project itself nevertheless the manner in which communication was carried out by the planning officer while addressing the employees. Poor listening skills led to a lot of noises, and no one understood what was being said. Listening involve remunerative close attention to what is being said and asking a question where necessary. The issue of collectivism was to be given much weight as working as a family or one crowd as it could have helped in yielding much fruit. The employees did not pay attention to the speaker may be because they thought they could do it without

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Marine back from Deployment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Marine rachis from Deployment - Essay ExampleNormally, soldiers defend their nations and their people. The great sense of duty and patriotism remains the major private road force for their actions in the field or against known enemy.The persons experience in Afghanistan was an heart and soul opener for him. There was moreover mistrust amongst the people of Afghanistan and general public was suspicious and fearful. The environment of perplexity was most discouraging and was inclined to foster subtle aggressiveness and simmering violence both amongst the marines and people. This was a dangerous situation where innocent people often used to become the scapegoat and target of forces and terrorists both. All during his stay, marine was even wary of the intentions of even the innocent children The life of marine in foreign deployment, especially in unknown terrain that is strife ridden, is full of risks. Their long absence from home not only makes them homesick but often contributes in developing doubts and distrust in human

Virtual autopsy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Virtual promethium - Research Paper physical exerciseFull body radiography also helps in identification of human remains when conventional methods such(prenominal) as fingerprinting or DNA analysis can non be used, or are not available. thesis Statement The purpose of this paper is to investigate the new development of virtual autopsy in forensic science, and identify its advantages and disadvantages over conventional autopsy procedures that have been employed until recently. Virtual Autopsy with the Help of Multidetector Computed tomography The application of imaging methods for non-invasive documentation and analysis of relevant forensic findings in living and dead persons has not kept abreast of enormous technical development of imaging methods. Forensic radiology is now a rapidly growing interdisciplinary subspeciality of both forensic medicine and radiology. The new modalities that are now progressively being promoted for use in forensic investigations include Computer Tomogr aphy (CT) including spiral multislice, and Magnetic Reso-nance mental imagery or MRI (Thali et al, 2007). The VIRTOPSY project aims to utilize radiological scanning to upgrade low-tech documentation and autopsy procedures in the contemporary high-tech field of medicine. The purpose of this is to improve scientific honour, and to increase significance and type in the forensic field. The term VIRTOPSY is the combination of the terms virtual and autopsy. The term means to see with angiotensin converting enzymes own eyes (virtus useful, efficient and good autos self and opsomei I will see), as translated from Latin. gum olibanum autopsy means to see with ones own eyes. Thali et al (2007) aimed to eliminate the subjectivity of autos, thereof they combined the two terms virtual an autopsy, deleting autos, and creating VIRTOPSY. Today the project VIRTOPSY groups the research topics under one scientific category, is characterized by a trans-disciplinary research approach that integrat es Forensic Medicine, Pathology, Radiology, Image-Processing, Physics, and Biomechanics (Thali et al, 2007, p.100), to an international scientific network. Levy et al (2006) conducted a study to retrospectively assess virtual autopsy performed with multidetector computed tomography (CT) for the forensic evaluation of gunshot pain victims. They found that multidetector CT can aid the prediction of lethal wounds and the location of metallic fragments. Similarly, Ljung, Winskog, Persson et al (2006) devised a procedure for virtual autopsies based on interactive 3D visualizations of large scale, high resolution selective information from CT-scans of human cadavers. Using examples from forensic medicine, the researchers stated that based on the technical demands of the procedure, state-of-the-art volume render techniques are applied and refined to enable real-time, full body virtual autopsies involving gigabyte sized entropy on standard graphics processing units (GPUs) (Ljung et al, 2006, p.1). The techniques applied include transfer function based info reduction using level of detail selection and multiresolution selection techniques. The paper also describes a data management component for large, out-of-core data sets and an extension of the GPU-based raycaster for efficient dual text field (TF) rendering. The authors demonstrated the added value and future potential of virtual autopsies in the medical and forensic fields. Data sets from forensic cases provide dilate benchmarks of the pipeline (Ljung et al, 2006). The Use of Magnetic

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Effects of the credit crunch in terms of regeneration and redundancies Literature review

Effects of the credit labour in terms of regeneration and redundancies - Literature review warningThis paper endeavors to understand the appropriate meaning of the term credit crunch, prior discussing initiation and implications of the same in the United Kingdom, specifically in Sunderland. Credit crunch is a situation when lenders stop lending, borrowers fail to borrow, builders desert their activities and buyers are forced to exhibit their inability to buy. In specific manner, credit crunch can be defined as a sudden stoppage in availability of credits as healthy as loans, causing shortage of liquidity in the market. Since 2008, such a situation has resulted in using of a complex set of issues in various countries that is continuously worsening. According to Erkens, Hung and Matos, the present credit crunch was initiated in 2007 in the United States, when lenders were heavily exposed to mortgages worth billion dollars, which turned into bad debts. The authors tho added that t he viability of the subprime loans related to mortgage has a significant impact on the global financial system. Consequently, banks and other financial systems were no more interested to lend to borrowers, which created a chain reaction reaching national financial system of various nations. By the end of 2008-09, the housing bubble in the United States (US) busted and resulted in collapse of several prominent banks. Interest rates also increased significantly during this period. According to Parkinson, the slew had followed in the property as well as construction industry, bringing about a forceful impact on regeneration.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Diversion Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Diversion Program - Essay ExampleDiversion program in the outlaw justice system is a program run by a police department, court, a district attorneys office, or outside agency designed to enable offenders of criminal law to avoid criminal charges and a criminal record. In October 2007, World Sport Chicago with the cooperation of USA Boxing, Chicago Park rule and Police Athlete league of Illinois, launched a program Gloves not Guns to encourage school children to pick up boxing gloves and not guns to deal with aggression.The purpose of the gloves not guns program is to save youth from offenses and street crimes. So they chose boxing as a tool by which students can take out all their ira and aggression in the ring. They can put off their stress in a legal substance rather than indulging themselves in any unwanted acts.Most importantly, this program will provide our kids with demonstrable alternatives and keep them off the streets and away from the dangers of gangs, guns and drugs. By motivating young people to spend their spare age in the gym, rather than on the streets, well be using sports to change peoples lives for the better.If we look at this program from the emplacement of affectionate process theories, we observe that all the factors of social learning theory, social control theory and social reaction theory are associat

Monday, April 22, 2019

Benchmarking Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Benchmarking Model - Essay Example, systematic cognitive process of evaluating companies recognized as industry leaders, to determine business and work processes that represent best practices and establish judicious performance goals (Zairi, 1998 13-14). The core principle of benchmarking is measurement and comparison involving the best practices, which helps significantly improve the existing practices and performance.It should be noted that the so-called best practices have different levels and in reality the most preferable emblem of the reference point or benchmark may not even exist either referable to limited technological levels, scarce resources and/or time, etc. Consequently, the best available practices are used as reference points in this case, which helps set feasible performance goals in the environment by incorporating realistic practices into operations.Jarrar & Zairi (2001) performed a large survey of 227 organizations in 32 countries in order to understand and as sess the major tendencies and coming(prenominal) directions of benchmarking. The survey results demonstrated that the practice of benchmarking was gaining prominence worldwide and across various industries, from manufacturing education. Also, Jarrar & Zairi (2001) listed several benefits of using benchmarking, viz. improving quality increasing speed of service improving processes understanding customer requirements setting natural standards influencing strategic decision- making process managing resources more effectively deploying resources and improving personnel management and changing leading style within the organization. However, these benefits are available only to those whom are aware about the specifics of benchmarking process, and particularly such(prenominal) essential aspect as various types of benchmarking.There are four major types of benchmarking identified in the literature benchmarking against internal operations (Internal Benchmarking) benchmarking against exte rnal direct product competitors

Sunday, April 21, 2019

How can we tell if we are doing the right thing Discuss with reference Essay

How can we tell if we are doing the right thing wrangle with reference to the philosopher Kant - Essay ExampleThe US government set up military action in the Middle East in a move to fight terrorist activities in the region. The clap adversely modify the US economy and resulted to a revolution of the airline and safety regulations in the country. This essay gives an in erudition analysis of the 9/11 terror attack and how it changed various sectors in the US.The 911 attack is cognise as the worst terrorist that the American history that changed the lives of the citizens and the world at large. The attack refers to a sequence of well- organized terrorist attacks that were instigated by the Al Qaeda in New York City (Langley, 2006). Terrorists hijacked two passenger airlines and flew them into buildings in suicide attacks. dickens planes were crashed into the World Trade Centre and two hours following the attack the two Towers caved in. The fires and debris fully or partially dest royed the structures that were in the surrounding. Another airline crashed into the West wing of the Pentagon resulting into its partial destruction. The fourth airline crashed in Pennsylvania but was meant to crash in Washington D. C. This essay gives an account of the 9/11. most(prenominal) Americans were interested in finding out the individuals who were behind the worst terrorist attack in history. Investigation showed that 19 terrorist hijacked four airlines and all of them were from the Middle East. It was clear that all of them belonged to the renowned Al Qaeda terrorist faction that was headed by Osama bin Laden who was among the most sought after terrorists in the modern times. Al Qaeda is known to be a well- organized terrorist group that practices extreme Islam practices (Langley, 2006). Members of this group are also immensely contradictory to Western nations mainly the United States. They termed the 9/11 attack as a revenge heraldic bearing against the US. The Al Qae da was highly opposed against the military presence in the Middle East and the attack was a retaliation of the military activity in

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Changing Nurse-Patient Ratio Staffing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Changing Nurse-Patient Ratio Staffing - Essay lawsuitSeveral studies have also shown a correlation between nursing staffing and betterd patient outcomes (Aiken et al. 2010). As a result, there has been a growing need to improve the nurse-staffing ration in the country to foreclose the deaths that occur due to lack of enough nurse personnel. Currently, California became the first state to introduce a threshold on nurse-patient ratio in all general acute heraldic bearing health c atomic number 18 institutions as noted by Aiken et al. (2010). Many states have failed to pass this critical legislation due to the character of politics involved in any legislative process. Abood (2007) argues that any health c be issue such(prenominal) as the legislation of nurse patient ratio has to go through different phases of policy processes, scratch line with proposal all through to implementation phase. These stages are impacted largely by elected officials, organizations, individuals, and extra interests. The divergent views and competing interest of the different factions normally make it difficult to pass any legislation unheeding of how beneficial the health issue might be to citizens. As a result, a nurse essential use effective strategies to yield the different factions to accept and pass a given legislation. Below are the strategies that will be employed to influence legislators to pass the nurse patient ratio bill. ... Having a speak lobbying with the legislators and committees at the legislative arena offers a good opportunity for persuading all members regardless of their party connexion to adopt a common stand that will ensure the passenger of the nurse-patient bill whose aim is to improve the quality health care delivery in the country as did Maggie Flanagan. Maggie Flanagan managed to convince legislators at the legislative arena to pass the Safe Patient Handling legislation by using her musculoskeletal accidental injury to educate them on the importance of the legislation. In another case, after Karen Daley suffered a needle injury at her workplace, she courageous went all through to the legislative arena where she advocated for Safe Needle Protection policy, which was overwhelmingly passed by the legislators (Abood, 2007). Therefore, I intend to adopt a similar strategy to influence the passage of the nurse-patient ratio law. To influence the passage of nurse-patient ratio, I will also have to know the key players in the legislative arena, two at the state and local levels, who have strong ability to influence the outcome of my proposed legislation. Voting decisions are impacted by many factors other than the issue itself. These include party politics, preferences of district voters, personal interests, and wring from organized interest groups. In this regard, influencing the outcome and content of the intended policy change depends on how considerably the supporters and non-supporters of the bill are identified among the legi slators. This is important because it offers the opportunity to have directed contact with them and lobbying for their support in the passage of

Friday, April 19, 2019

Identify the Impact of Pathophysiology, Psychology and Sociology in Essay

pick up the Impact of Pathophysiology, Psychology and Sociology in Determining the Physical and Mental Health Status of the Ind - Essay congresswoman47). As a common knowledge, Alzheimers disease is hereditary. The fact that Lucindas grandfather had dementia increases her risks of ontogeny the same illness. With this in mind, Lucindas changes in her behaviour such as depression including her difficulty in following conversations, and the feeling of excessive tiredness piece of tail be explained by the psycho favorable impact of having an Alzheimers disease. The social occasion of clinical psychologists is to allow newly diagnosed individuals to effectively deal with their negative feelings whereas the social workers are trained to help patients with Alzheimers disease deal with their social problems with their family members, at work, or within the community (Thompson and Bass, 2009). In most cases, psychotherapeutics can be used to initially diagnose the level of Lucindas dep ression. By referring her to a psychotherapist as one of the clinical interventions for her case, Lucinda and her partner may find it easier to accept and deal with the agitation, anxiety, and depression this twain is going through after knowing that Lucinda is at risk of developing Alzheimers disease. Lucinda is having difficulty try to hark back the names of people she worked with every day. For this reason, there is an increased risk wherein Lucinda might end up isolating herself from other people. To avoid making herself or other people feel bad, she made it a habit to cover up some of these occasions from her friends and family members in order to save face. However, the patient should be informed that there is no cure for Alzheimers disease (Lu and Bludau, 2011, p. 60). To make it easier for the patient to deal with cognitive, behavioural, social and emotional changes, Lucinda should receive psychological and social intervention to make her understand and be emotionally dis posed(p) for other serious physical and mental health changes as the Alzheimers diseases progresses to a more keep stage. To identify the presence of brain damage, either MRI or PET scan can be used. In general, the pathophysiology of Alzheimers disease is characterized by the presence of plaques and tangles in the brain. Common among the aging individuals, the presence of ?-amyloid plagues, neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), and the neural cell death are among the main factors that can cause the patients to undergo a neurodegenerative process (Kumer et al., 2010, pp. 1313 1317 Jackson-Siegal, 2005). Although these substances can also be found among elderly patients without Alzheimers disease, Jackson-Siegal (2005) explained that one of the most unique feature of Alzheimers disease is that these plagues and tangles are localized in the brain in parallel to the clinical symptoms. With regards to familial Alzheimers disease, mutations on chromosomes 21, 19, 14, 12, and 1 is responsible for these changes (Barlow and Durand, 2012, p. 546 Cummings et al., 1998). Even though Lucinda is experiencing episodes of worsening and frequent forgetfulness, confusion, and difficulty to remember names of people she worked each day the fact that she can still recognize her partner potently suggest that she is having a mild to moderate Alzheimers disease (Jackson-Siegal, 2005). In general, the entorhinal cortex is connected to the genus Hippocampus responsible for our memory formation, and the cerebral cortex. In the case of Lucinda, her memory loss or the short-term recall can be explained by the presence

Robert Mondavi and the Wine Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Robert Mondavi and the Wine Industry - Essay ExampleHowever, owe to the economic downturn the gross sales of wine had reduced over the upgrade of six months. Moreover, the club has been go about several threats from various sectors of the society both at national and international level.The economic downturns have modify the wine market leading to a fall in the sales of wine over the tenure of the past six months. The company has been planning to change the strategy so that it can increase the sales of the company and ensure long term sustainability. However, it was noted that the Robert Mondavis wine industry to maintain the higher(prenominal) quality of the wine used grapes from the personally owned vineyards. It has also been observed that the cost of land science has also gone up, which has led to the increase in the cost of production. Conversely, the company even has an intangible military force of being innovation oriented. This initiates the ability of the company to enhance their quality as per the ever-changing taste and preferences of the consumers. This would befriend the company to meet their sales need in the long run. Providing quality as per the preferences of consumer is an important stipulation fo9r the business sustainability (Roberto 1-32).Contextually, Mondavi in order to maintain their competitive advantage should be selecting a particular particle and then market their product. This would help the company to gain a profitable index providing the company with dishonor equity and incorporate the culture of innovation. Since, the company is inclined towards producing high-quality of wine it would be able to meet the changing needs of the consumers successfully. In order to develop its productivity the company should provide clarity to their product. This would enhance their parcel in the US market. Moreover, with a positive trend in the growth of wine consumption the company can claim its competitive advantage in the long run.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

How would you describe the expansion of the United States between 1783 Research Paper

How would you describe the expansion of the United States between 1783 and 1840s - question Paper ExampleThe expansion that took rate in the period between 1783 and 1840 is the reason behind the blown-up size of it of the USA and its current strong economic position. Is also led to the end of slave bargain in the USAThe first expansion of the USA took place in 1783 after the treaty of capital of France which brought to an end the revolutionary war. England agreed to the claims of the Americans to own the southern land which included the great lakes and the Mississippi river (Rothman 57). The Americans were not successful in getting the Gulf of Mexico, and it remained under ownership of Spain. The next expansion of the United States took place in 1787 whereby the US expanded with the Northwest ordinance of 1787 (Rothman 116). This ordinance established the Northwest Territory, which covered states much(prenominal) as of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin. The expa nsion is renowned for having banned slavery in the north of Ohio River.In 1803, President doubting Thomas Jefferson talked terms of the purchase of the French claims on the Louisiana territory which they had previously obtained from the Spain. The negotiations were secret, and it is believed that the president purchased the territory at a price of $15million. The land purchased included the western half of the Mississippi river, and it doubled the initial size of the USA. The purchase also extended to the Gulf of Mexico, which was very productive in agriculture. Settlers bowel movement to the Louisiana territory raised the question of slave trade. The settlers applied for statehood after reaching a cast of 60000 and in 1819, it officially became a slave state (Morgan 34).Before 1810, the country had occupied most split of the Mississippi river but had little control over its mouth which was located in the Spanish Florida (Shelly 239). In 1810, the United States seized the western part of Florida, and it led to the outbreak of war between the Spaniards and the Americans (Smith 17). However, the Spaniards relented since

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

World War 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

World War 3 - Essay typefaceTherefore, he outlined the major factors that would contribute to this war. Thus, according to Mills, the following factors would contribute to the occurrence of the third universe war Power Elites created by the US industrial complex According to C. Wright Mills, the structure of national constitution was centered on politics and military supremacy. Therefore, if a country had to achieve economic prosperity, it had to be superordinate word on the war front and in its military organization (Goertzel, 242). Thus, economic prosperity was to be achieved through the assertion of political and military power, instead of applying the economic principles which drive the economy. Therefore, the economic elect(ip)s who lead major organizations were in addition the same who drove the political life of both the USA and the USSR, the major rivals in the foreseen war (Goertzel, 242). fashioning the political power an elite component, where the political and mil itary authority was centered on the economic elites point of view posed some war danger. According to Mills, the political, the military and the economic elites shared a habitual world view (Goertzel, 243).... Mills observed that the elites were using the media as their tool of treatment and propaganda to mislead the masses, whom they considered inferior. Therefore, with the economic elites at the helm of political and military authority, a devastating war was needed (Goertzel, 242). The conspiracy and poor commentary of reality According to the Americans, the enemy of the people was Russia. This faulty definition, which substituted the reality with the conceptualise notion of a specified enemy, could ultimately cause another devastating war (Goertzel, 241). The actual definition of the enemy is war, since any war, irrespective of the parties involved, has the same damaging cause. Therefore, while the Americans substituted the real definition of the enemy and modify it to su it their interest, they created an environment for pursuing the wrong target (Goertzel, 243). If the American could perceive war as the common enemy, they would work towards ensuring that no more war could be experienced in the world, owing to the damaging effects caused by the previous world wars. Nevertheless, through the erratic perception of Russia as the enemy, they were determined to continue the state of war until they subdued it (Goertzel, 243). This inevitably do the third World War a reality that could not be escaped. Additionally, the Americans based their arguments on a false premise that peace with the USSR could not be achieved unless through war. This made it clear that the Americans would pursue the Russians. The same case applied for the Russians, who perceived the USA as an aggressive opponent, who could not relent until a war determined who was powerful. This prepared a stage for the most devastating war in the history of the world, which could

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Imposing consumption tax on Saudi consumers and its contribution in promoting economic growth Essay Example for Free

Imposing inspiration levy on Saudi consumers and its contribution in promoting sparing egression EssayIntroductionSaudi economy mostly relies on oil application and its government has much control over natural resources and of import sparing activities in the land. Ultimately, the economy of Saudi is centr on the wholey castned and t herefore has free market economy. As it can be affirmed, oil pains contributes to approximately 45% of the total budget revenue hence making it imperative to the growth of the dry land. gutter now, Saudi Arabia does not think that there is any need for spending evaluate however, the country may face many problems in the future what may demand the economy if the oil dry out. A recent analysis from Citigroup has raised the alarming possibility that Saudi Arabia might become a crystallize oil importer by 2030Could Saudi Arabias Oil Exports Dry Up?, 2012. However, in order to mark a Solutions to contribute in raising Saudi Arabia econ omy for long run, and Focusing in some other source rather than oil. In order to maintain scotch stability, we want to study the possibility of exalted scotch outgo impose beside zakat on Saudi consumers and how it will contribute in promoting economic growth.Basic theoryAccording to the dictionary, Zakat iscalled (Islamic revenue) or (religious tax), it is an annual tax on Muslims comprising percentages of personal income of every kind to aid the paltry in the Muslim community.zakat interrogation aimThe research aim is to determine the possibility of lordly exercise tax on Saudi consumers beside zakat and how it will contribute in promoting economic growthSub problems1. How consumption tax contributes in promoting economic growth.A) Why consumption tax.B) Mechanism of economic growth.C) Identify mechanism of promoting economic growth by consumption tax.2. The possibility of imposing consumption tax on Saudi consumer.A) conk out tax dodging for promoting economic grow th.B) Analyze Zakat system for promoting economic growth.C) Compare (a) and (b) to determine the possibility of imposing consumption tax (the splendour or how valuable is the consumption tax).3. Determine the possibility of using consumption tax for promoting economic growth of Saudi Arabia.Research ObjectivesAs noted in the above information, the main aim or purpose of conducting this research is to investigate the possibility of imposing consumption tax on Saudi consumers beside zakat and how it will contribute in promoting economic growth. The following information provides the objectives and research questions for the study. To determine the importance of tax particularly in promoting the growth of economy To break up all best and possible style of imposing consumption tax on Saudi consumer To determine the possibility of using consumption tax for promoting economic growth of Saudi ArabiaHypothesisVarious studies conducted on consumption tax turn over revealed that consumpt ion tax has a major effect on the countrys economic activities which can greatly affect economic growth, so in this paper we investigate how consumption tax contributes in promoting economic growth. We hypothesized that imposing consumption tax contributes in promoting the growth of Saudi Arabias economy.We also hypothesized that the difference amongst tax system and zakat system will contribute in determine the importance of the consumption tax. literary productions reviewEssentially, previous research indicates a close kindred amidst introduction of consumption tax and economic growth in a country. Many economists argue that imposing a consumption tax implies increase in government revenue and thus increase in the country GDP which is congenital in reflecting the countrys economic growth. There are limited studies tried to identify the relationship between tax structures and economic growth, Here is some of the related literature Arnold, J. (2008) has focused in study and ana lyzing the relationship between tax structures and economic growth by enteringindicators of the tax structure into a distinguish of panel growth regressions for 21 OECD countries he found the following results1. Income taxes are associated with significantly lower economic growth and lower levels of GDP per capita than consumption tax and property tax.2. Respectively, property taxes, and particularly recurrent taxes on immovable property, then consumption taxassociated with the highest levels of GDP per capita. Therefore, these taxes are the most growth friendly taxes in economic growth.3. Corporate income taxes have more ban effects on GDPthan personal income tax. In general, the relationship between the income taxes and growth is negative relation.4. The progressivity of income taxes and growth are negatively related.Also, Widmalm (2001), Padovano and Galli (2002) studied the relationship between progressivity of income taxes and economic growth in 25 countries, they reached the same result, the progressivity of income taxes and economic growth are negatively related.Various studies conducted on consumption tax have revealed that consumption tax has a major effect on the countrys economic activities which can greatly affect economic growth. Brys (2010) in his book OECD Tax policy Studies Tax Policy Reform and economic Growth outlines the various effects consumer tax can have on economic activities of a country.In the book, he states that consumer tax will affect employment and working hours, affect international trade and regulate the activities of the underground economy. Brys continues to state that differentiated consumer tax will encourage batch to work, lead to a yield in environmental benefits and reduce inequalities in income. When all these factors are brought together, economic activities of a country are likely to be affected in various ways.MethodologyResearch approachA good research is the one that provides answers to the research questions, validity, objectivity, accuracy, and economy. A research design is the plan and structure of investigation to obtain answers to research questions. The study adopted a soft survey structure. soft research is also adopted since it investigates the social wee-weeivist paradigm and relies on the socially constructed reality nature.It aims to fundamentally record, analyze as well as determine the significance and meaning of imposing consumption tax on Saudi consumers and its contribution in promoting economic growth. The approach is not initially based on any data to be compared but on the perceptions of those who have experience and knowledge based on consumption tax and its potential in enhancing economic growth of a country. The qualitative research approach here supports positivism whereby although there is no data to be compared as part of quantitative research, the fundamental construct of the research is based on a reality that cannot be changed.The type of this study requires to use qualitative research, in this study we will gathering data from the past studies related to our theme (about the effect of tax on economic growth and then, we will analyses this data And weight all the Pros and Cons, advantage and disadvantage of all type of taxes and decide which type is best for the growth of the economy.We will analyze both of tax system and zakat system and their relation with economic growth, then comparing both system and find the similarities and difference between them. Then study those differences and find solutions that may contribute in the economic growth of Saudi Arabia.selective information analysis and discussion The raw materials were collected in a systematically organized manner that facilitates the analysis. To set aside qualitative analysis, the data received was edited to ensure completeness, consistency, and uniformity before being analyzed to kick in it meaningful information regarding the study theme which is implications of imposin g consumption tax in Saudi Arabia. together with the data analyzed enables the study to establish the relationship of consumption tax and economic growth.ReferencesBrys, B., Organization for scotch Co-operation and Development.(2010). Tax policy reform and economic growth. Paris OECD.Could Saudi Arabias Oil Exports Dry Up? (2012october3). nvesting dailyhttp//www.investingdaily.com/15734/could-saudi-arabias-oil-exports-dry-upalmohainykhaledmohammed. (2003). The role of the tax in the process of economic and social development. Damascus University ledger , Volume 19 Issue II.zakat. (). dictionary http//dictionary.reference.com/browse/zakatArnold, J. (2008), Do Tax Structures Affect Aggregate Economic Growth? Empirical severalize from a Panel of OECD Countries, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 643, OECD Publishing.Bleaney, M.F. N. Gemmell and R. Kneller (2001), interrogatory the Endogenous Growth Model Public Expenditure, Taxation and Growth Over the Long-Run, Canadian diary of Economics, Vol. 34(1), pp. 36-57.Schwellnus, C. and J. Arnold (2008), Do Corporate Taxes Reduce Productivity and Investment at the Firm Level? Cross-country Evidence from the Amadeus Dataset, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, forthcoming.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Reflective Account Values Essay Example for Free

Reflective Account value EssayThe first part of this Reflective Account describes what influences and events in my life gravel helped to develop my private Values. My grandparents taught me most of my basic Per discussional Values. I learned from an early age how to be polite, have good manners and respect my elders as failure to do so would result in acquire sent to bed early. In those days I did not have a television in my room so in my eyes this was the ultimate punishment They were not deeply religious f engross my grandmother attended church every Sunday and took me to Sunday school. At the age of twelve she gave me the survival as whether to attend or not. I did not attend hardly she still taught me the moral set of respecting myself, my body and how a female should/ should not behave in public and at home. As nowadayss culture climate is changing towards how some young women behave e.g. children to several partners, going forbidden barely clothed and getting the mselves into each(prenominal) sorts of situations, I feel she was perhaps right in her teachings but when I say this to some of my nieces they tend to tell me Im a bit too old fashi angiotensin-converting enzymed and theyre glad Im not their mother.I do not have any specific religious values and I would not dis mark or agree with anybody elses views, I hold the value of everybody being entitled to their own opinions and beliefs. I have passed all of these values onto my own child over the years and feel proud when people say what a polite and thoughtful man he is. A value that changed as I got older was one of First Impressions. Again, my grandfather (who was a policeman) taught me that first impressions count but an experience in a topical anesthetic cafe showed me that this was untrue. An elderly gentleman who was often drunk and smelly used to come into the cafe and nobody, including myself would go near or speak to him. This day the only seat available to him was the one next to me. He started lecture to me and I was astounded to realize that he was a very intelligent man, he was talking about things going on in the world and using words I had to ask the meanings of. I now use the value Dont judge a book by its ascertain.A very important value which I learned was that of Family values. Coming from a small impaired family where there was no real closeness I married into a large family where they all lived in one anothers pockets. I learned all about honesty, trust and support in the family circle, how they were all there for each other, supporting each other through the good and bad propagation regardless of the consequences. When I divorced my sons father, his familysupported both of us so my son had the best of both worlds, time with me and time with his father. I did not have this as a child, I did not see my father unless he was on a sober day and I neer saw my mother until I was sixteen years old. I find this value very higher(prenominal) on my list of personal values and have tried to pass this on to my son as he is about to become a father himself. Overall I have an open headland and I am willing to learn and compromise, whitethornbe change a particular value or belief depending on the use and situation I am in at the time, which takes me on to the bet on part of this reflective account.The second part of this reflective account describes how my personal values relate to fond care values. As a social care worker I must follow the guidelines and anchor concepts as laid muckle by the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC). This council was formed in October 2001 by the Scottish Government and aims to raise the standards in the field of Social Care Services. They have laid down Core Values which underpin Social Care conduct. These Core values are self-regard, Privacy, Choice, skilfulty, Realising Potential and par and Diversity. I believe that everybody has freedom of option. We all make choices, whether it be wh at we wear, eat, what career path we choose to follow. Our choices slew be endless but can also be limited. Limited choices can be because of things exchangeable finances, availability or circumstances, other choices depend on health, safety and danger to ourselves or to others.In my single-valued function as a social care worker I have a service drug exploiter who has complex, additional needs and also uses a wheelchair. This substance abuser has the choice to use their wheelchair and can work the back brakes managing to get around the classroom at any time. This makes it difficult for us to manage the recumb of the class as the user has no sense of danger and could possibly harm or adorn other class members in danger. We therefore have to take by the users choice of chair as we need to keep them and the rest of the class and staff safe and free from harm.This moral shows that conflict can arise between the Core values of Promoting Choice and Keeping People Safe Privacy i s not just a case of liking your own company or holding private matters to yourself. I like my own privacy, having time to myself gives me the chance to gather my thoughts or just tingle out in my own way. I can choose what I want people to get about me without fear, prejudice or being discriminated against. Privacy in Social Care often whole kit alongside Dignity.Dignity is a value which varies from person to person. I myself on going to the bathroom would lock the door so that no one else comes in, another person might not bother, and for some people, they may be unable to do so. In Social Care a service users Privacy and Dignity must be preserved at all times. This means that when I support a user dressing/ undressing I must take them to the bathroom (as it is a school the bathroom is the only topographic point for the user to do this as the door locks) maintaining their dignity and privacy.As well as respecting their dignity I also have to ensure that their private personal details are kept private from out of doors sources. Any written information such as care plans or medical records would be locked away in the filing cabinet in the Headmistresses office. Another aspect of privacy would be confidentiality. In my role as a social care worker I would hopefully have the trust of the user sos that they could speak to me about anything, if I had any concerns that they would harm or put themselves or others

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Marital Paradigm Essay Example for Free

Marital Paradigm EssayI grew up in a joint family in India, which had 3 married couple and their kids. Marital races that I byword in my family were non great but not bad either. All the men use to work in the family business and the women used to take care of the nestlingren and the house. M both times my parents used to urge on and my dad used to scream at my mom, but my mom never had the guts to say anything to him. I perpetually saw that my mom was scared of him and I used to question myself why doesnt she do back. And being a girl myself I used to recall that probably girls banking concern say anything when theirs keep up are screaming at them.I used to talk to my mom and tell her why drive outt she reply back, but I never really got an answer. I always saw my mom as the weaker matchless in the relationship. On the other hand we had a family friend and both husband married woman used to work as college professors. In their house the husband never screamed at the wife, I am sure they had conflicts but you could totally see the respect that he gave to his wife. When I grew a little instant gray-headeder my mom started telling me how she felt. That was when she told me that she was a housewife and my dad was the unitary who earned in the family and therefrom he could talk like that to my mom.My dad always dominated her as he is the man of the family and is the one responsible for all the decisions of the family. And this was not only my parents I 4saw this trend throughout my family with the other devil couples as well. Certain assumptions that I saw in the relationships were that even if it was my dads fault, my mom always had to be the first one to apologize. Also since my mom is eight years younger than my dad I saw that my dad didnt really ensure her and took her for granted at times. Bring the older one he tried to impose certain things on her.I in addition saw that if I tried to comfort down my dad he didnt like it as I was a ch ild and I should not be involved in their matters. This training has had a lot of impact on my relationships. As I always saw my mom being dominated by my dad, I didnt destiny that to happen with me. When I grew up I had certain things very clear in my mind. I precious to be educated enough so that I can earn myself and keep up a proficient job, so I never dependent on my husband for anything. For that reason I came to USA and heady to study here. In my past relationships, I made it very clear to my artners that my career is more than than in-chief(postnominal) than anything in my life and I wouldnt leave it for anyone.I was also very clear closely anyone screaming at me. Since I saw my mom always being screamed at and I always hated it. Also I generate certain things straight for my future. I want my husband to understand that I will not stop working and be a housewife, so that later I have to dependent on him. I want him to respect my decisions and me. Many times I have s een that the women of the house are not asked to contribute in family matters, and I think that is not right at all.So I want to have a relationship where we both contribute in the family matters and tally to a conclusion to purporther. I am not yet married but I think the things I have in mind for my marital relationship are very clear. According to the control women still do two-third of the household work. I think if women can earn like men do, tallyly men should work the same like women. I think my appraisal of marriage is based on a simple rule, which is to give the amount of resect you rag. And I think it is pretty healthy because if two people cannot respect for each one other for what they are then they cannot be together for long.Moreover I have been taught marriage is not only about two people, but it is about two families that get together. And I reside my husband to respect and get along with my family as being the only child I think my parents are my responsibil ity and will always be. Thus whoever marries me has to understand the importance of my parents in my life, and on the other hand I want to be comfortable with his family too. I also bump that at times girls tend to be too clingy with their partners, and I think that is one reason why bozos get irritated. Therefore I would like to give space to my husband when he needs and expect the same from him.Some people business leader think that this is being stupid but I get along I wouldnt like if my husband gets over protective about me, and the same way I dont want to be over protective about him. I know its not easy to be with a person like me who is over ambitious. And at times it can be a problem for guys to see the girl so much into her work, and for me my career has always been more important than anything. I think this can be a problem when I get married, because at times it has been a problem for my boyfriends to understand my passion about my work.This is something I want to wo rk on as most of the times guys dont understand this. Also I like the idea of peer marriage as in a marriage where both people respect each other equally and understand each others likes and dislikes it becomes easier to be together. According to the book faithfulness is the number one reason for marital success. And I totally agree with this, even if the physical relationship between two people is not that good, if they both are faithful to each other nobody can separate them.My parents have not only taught me to be faithful but I also have seen this in their relationship. Even though my father was dominating my mother, they are still together. This is because no one of them was unfaithful to the other. Also I think from a few years the fights between my parents reduced I think this happened because they saw that I am a grown up now and all this might affect my thoughts about marriage. Children are a big reason why two people prevail together even if they dont want to. But I thin k thats not right.I dont want my husband to be with me just because of our children, because thats doing a favour to our relationship. I would like us to be together because we make each other happy not because of a third reason. I am brought up in a culture where non-marital stir is not accepted. And these values are embedded inside me. I know now a days girls have sex when they are 14 years of age, but I am 21 years old and I am still a virgin. Being in USA and telling your boyfriend that you riding habit have sex with him because of your culture is not easy. Many times people judge my beliefs but that has not affected me at all.I want my husband to respect my beliefs and understand where I am attack from. Because for me a relationship is not only about getting physical, there is a lot more to it, and what I have heard and seen around me is that guys only want to get physical. I know according to the book sex is the second reason why marriages work. But for me it is not. I am not against sex at all, but I dont want my marriage to be dependent on it. Book talks about homogamous marriage, which is a type of marriage in which spouses share their race, ethnicity, age, or brotherly class.Basically a marriage where the two people have something in common. Obviously my parents want me to get married to a guy from the same caste and I agree with them. Because I think if the guy is familiar with my religion, my caste, and my society there is better change of understanding between both of us. In a nutshell I want a marriage where we both can share our happiness, and problems with each other without any problem. A relationship where I get the same respect that I give to the other person.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Electronic Voting Systems Essay Example for Free

electronic Voting Systems EssayIn the existing offfine right to vote dash to select a vista in the election much(prenominal) as presidential election , the conclave election, or local election, electorates go to the designated polling rear ends and have to be identified to cast their right to votes, and finally electors cast their ballot. Of course, voters should be in advance registered on a poll book. To do so, a signifi sternt amount of prison term and cost are consumed by suffrage and counting of votes. In the mean time, the most important pledge issue for on-line electronic voting using touch screen or internet is to stock warrant the anonymity of voter and the confidentiality of vote content. An e-voting method using a touch screen which includes a voter to select a gutterdidate or an option displayed on a screen has advantages in that a voter can cast his vote regardless of his assigned polling place, but in this case, a voter is still required to go to a polling booth to vote.As other e-voting method, a voter does not have to go to a polling place if he uses internet and vote is permitted to internetuser. But, internet-accessible terminals are unceasingly required to vote and a voter can cast a vote in the simply limited place which he can access internet. Especially, private info homogeneous personal ID aptitude be leaked in the course of accessing to the internet. This means that anonymity of electronically voting International Symposium on Electronic Commerce and Security over the internet is not satisfied. Also, confidentiality of voting might not be ensured if a candidate selection or a voting content is not encrypted. As to the e-voting post of the world, the unite Kingdom has adopted the organization using a touch screen for the local election and the unlike voting using an internet in 2002. In April 2004. Now in a present outline each and every section is accustomed a electronic car which stores the votes of the p eople how have voted for the crabbed candidate. Control of present system is don to the in charge officer. He only check for the eligibility of the candidates and allow for the voting. Finally we collect all the voting machine at a place and go for counting.DIS ADVANTAGES OF THE turn over SYSTEMAfter voting if all technical problems or damage occurs with the machines it may leads to the re election. The machine is not able to recognize the eligibility of a candidate, so the corrupted officers may misguide the people. The corrupted officers may increase the count of the voting. During transportation of the machines the in charge person can change the status of machines and veritable(a) may destroy. This system is not a cost effective one. Since we pauperism security, in charge officers, secured place for counting and election place. The person from any other region cannot vote in for a candidate of other region. The voting take place where the machine is located.PROPOSED SYSTE MIn our system we trying to declare counting of votes in to a remote secured system. In this system we are using a electronic circuit which enable the voter to vote and transfer this vote to the remote system by transfigureing it to intercommunicate wave through the rambling towers. Our machine can check the eligibility of the candidate by itself, so on that point is no question ofcorruption. Machine itself is automated to check the eligibility of the candidates. Here we need not to go for the re election even if the machine is damaged. A person even can vote from a mobile system and also from Internet. We can vote from any where even though being a voter of another region.1. Radio waves representing glance overned retina pattern and vote to Mobile tower.2. Radio waves representing scanned retina pattern and vote to remote host.3. acknowledgement (+ve or ve) from the server to mobile tower.4. Acknowledgement (+ve or ve) from mobile tower to Interface device.5. Ready channel ise if retina is scanned properly to voting machine. And if ve signal accordingly alert alarm go away be activated.6. Accepted vote is made to flow to the interface device.DETAIL DIAGRAM OF THE VOTING MACHINEThe voting machine is rattling a device which generates the different voltages for different votes these voltages are fed to the (ADC) which is consequently win overed to digital bits accordingly can be converted to radio waves. The detail diagram is overleaf.Block diagram of the Client expression CircuitFinal Out putAntennaEye Retina scanningThe eye retina machine be a simple mesh cam or device which can capture the images effectively .the captured image leave alone be represented in the form of a matrix where each pixel represents 24-bit (RGB, 8+8+8 formatting) let us see and understand Here for e.g.Here the matrix pattern of this causa of picture may be asR G B R G B R G B12 a1 15 11 21 54 25 f4 5c2d 1c 5A 99 85 57 2c fa b31b b1 a2 11 b1 ac 50 b4 5FCA 1f 3c 11 2c d 4 03 ca e5Interface deviceThis is an electronic fit which converts the input digital signals such as (retina pattern votes+ secure bits) to radio waves.Working of whole systemWhenever voters enter to voting booth then he ordain be instructed to directly look at retina scanning machine at this time the machine scans the retina. once retina scanning properly confirmed then it sent signal to the voting machine as to accept the vote it will be power on .then voter is made to vote. Now the whole data including the retina pattern is sent to interfacing device which convert into radio waves of mobile frequency range and these radio waves are sent to mobile tower and then to the remote server, where the authentication and voters identification is stored into a secured database.The received data is first converted into digital format from the radio waves through the interface device kept at the server side, and then retina pattern and vote separated. Next the retina pattern is matched once morest the existing database .If match is found then flag is check which indicates its voting status i.e. if the voter is not voted yet then +ve ack is send to the mobile tower and then to the corresponding voting machine. This ack is recognized by the receiver kept at the voter side and machine ismade to scan next retina pattern and vote, other unfermented if ve ack then alert alarm is made to ring.HURDLES IN THE elbow room OF IMPLEMENTATIONThere are several more issues that we have to consider along the Implementation such as SecurityEfficiencyGeographical ProblemsSecurityThe radio waves of a mobile frequency live of Retina pattern and vote can be generated by means of external source. Thats why we need to provide some sot of security to avoid this problem. One of the idea to solve this problem is CDMA (which will be explained later ) and another technique is inserting security bits at regular interval of time during the transmission system of radio waves (Ex.2 msec) .At the s erver side after the given interval (2 msec ) security bits are analyze (ex 1001) . In case of positive confirmation we can accept as valid vote, other wise simply rejected.Another problem is that one may trap the radio waves in between and can determine the person and the vote this may disclose the result of the election before the completion of the voting process. To avoid this problem we can go for applying the efficient and complex encryption algorithm so that the transparency of data can be hidden and the server side the encrypted data can be again decrypted and original data can retrieved this make the trapping of wave meaningless .The encryption algorithm can be termed as Key Complex Algorithm, which is as follows,First it finds the length of the string.Generate the random amount equal to the length of the string. Add the corresponding Characters from the given string and random set. E.g. KSHITIJLet this be the given words.EfficiencyWhenever the data which is sent from th e voter (client) side, it is in the large amount, this delays a bit a voting system and the data that is received at server side is in the multiple access mode i.e. more than one client is sending the data. To over come this problem the following 1. Applying compression Algorithms at the Client and server side so those to decrease the data transfer. Compression technique such as JPEG compression or any other Compression. 2. Instead of using single server PC we will go for distributed Operating system environment with multiple servers. This makes the job sharing and processing tumultuouser which leads to fast responds in case of quadruplex Access Environment 3. To solve the concurrency problem in case of Multiple access environment we will use CDMA technique which is as followHere the key values are orthogonal to each other i.e. k1*k2=0 and k1*k1=1 i.e. if any tries to decode the information with any other key the data will be evaporateed as the data will be in the form d1*k1.If y ou try to decode withK2 then effect will be as d1*k1*k2=0. This will vanish the data. And if correct decoding key i.e k1 is used then decoding will be d1*k1*k1=d1. This decodes the data correctly. As per the controlling concurrency for multiple access the data from all the nodes is accepted as k1*d1+k2*d2 +k3*d3+k4*d4.In this case if you want the data corresponding to the second node then simply multiply the whole equation with the k2.This will give d2 as (k1*d1+K2*d2 +k3*d3+k4*d4)*K2=d2. So by this we can show that any numbers of nodes are allowed to send the data, the server will accept all the data and which ever has to be extracted will be just compute with corresponding key. This gets the corresponding data. Hence the concept of Multiple access.Geographical ProblemsThis is the problem regarding the scene of action where technical facilities like mobile tower or Internet service is not present. In this case will convert the vote and retina pattern into the electrical informati on and pass it through the electrical conductors until we can reach the area where the technical facilities like internet or mobile tower is obtainable, and if only internet facility is available is then we can convert this electrical information to digital means and with these data using computers affiliated to internet we can pass the vote and retina pattern. Here the eye scanner will be web cam.FUTURE ENHANCEMENTSThis project can be enhanced to work over the mobiles that is voting is made realizable through the mobile through SMS. This machine can be made vote through the INTERNET. purposeThus this machine can be used for any level voting purpose. The machine provides risque level of security, authentication, reliability, and corruption -free mechanism. By this we can get result with in minuteafter a completion of voting. Minimum manpower Utilization, hence mechanism is error free.REFERENCESBoylestead Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory 10/e Pearson Education, June 2012 Her bert Taub and Donald Schilling Digital Integrated Electronics McGraw-Hill Internatinoal Editions, 01-Jan-1977 B. Var Acker. Remote e-voting and coercion a risk-assessment model and solutions. In the International Workshop on Electronic Voting in Europe, 2004. T. Kohno, A. Stubblefield, A.D. Rubin, and D.S. Wallach. Analysis of an electronic voting system, 2004. IEEE Std.802.15.IEEE timeworn for Information Technology Telecommunications and Information Exchange between Systems

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Global Warming Poses Threat to Ski Resorts in USA Essay Example for Free

world(a) Warming Poses Threat to go Resorts in USA r completeerThe American west is marvellous, it is large with grand landscapes and potbellys reaching to the sky . The plains unfold to the horizon and the vistas present an insuff durationble panorama. Just equivalent any where else in the world, water is an essential element to life here notwithstanding it is scarce hence creating the wests vulnerability. Precipitation is publicly low and cannot support agriculture it is for this reason that agriculture is solitary(prenominal) possible through irrigation.This precipitation is not yet scarce except scarcest in the summers when it is mostly demand solitary(prenominal) when falls disproportionately and mostly in the mountains in the winter. The only saving grace is that in winter it precipitates as reverse and stays as coulomb packs throughout the winter. It is on the basis of these live patterns that the winter sports tourism is established. This patience has se rved as the main economic driving machine of the west and separate other aras for decades. However, changing climatic patterns and planetary heating plant has emerged as a serious threat to the initiation of the winter sports industry.Projected profits in clean spheric temperatures due to increases in putting green stick out hitmanes in the atmosphere has been incriminated in far-flung glacial and white cap decreases, ocean level rise and heating system but most importantly in the reduction of cokefall coer and the decrease in the succession of winter tourism. The un look toability of the coming(prenominal) and the humor tippy nature of winter sports tourism has led to more initiative orchestrateed curbing the increase in green ho habituate gases and consequently making snow available. display Compelling evidence suggests that global humour has been on a progressive pitch since the industrial era and is projected to last out over the 21st century and beyond. global change and climate multifariousness is an positive phenomenon. Global mean temperature has been on the increase with an approximate increase of 0. 760 C in the midst of 1850-1899. the same increase has been found amidst 2001 and 2005. This elbow room that global predictions of temperature bear a 90% opportunity (IPPC. Climate channelize over and tourism, 2007).These increases in average temperatures ar a direct result of human activities that increase the concentrations of green house gases in the atmosphere. The extent of these discernible human influences get under ones skin in any case extended to other climate change aspects such(prenominal) as temperature extremes, changes in digress patterns, continental average temperatures and ocean warming. The same is applicable to the widespread glacial and white cap decreases coupled with warming of the ocean surface temperatures, the result is a ocean level rise of approximately 1. 8mm yearly from 1961-2003 and app roximately 3. 1mm yearly from 1993-2003.The successive operation of biological response in ecosystems and species diversity presents an unpleasant scenario and these statistics are recorded in virtually e genuinely continent. It is projected that the probability of increase in global temperatures allow further accelerate green house gas emissions at the present or above the present rates. The prediction pushes overall global temperature rise by 1. 80C -4. 00C. take for granted that the atmospheric concentrations of green house gases are stabilized, the warming effect would still continue due to the levels of green house gases from past emissions and the consequent thermal inertia of oceans.The biological response would also be extrapolated to future centuries even if the levels are stabilized at the present concentrations today. The discernible manifestations worldwide go away be hot temperature extremes, extreme heat waves, menacing precipitation, peak wind speeds and preci pitation in tropical cyclone events and an additional heavy precipitation associated with increases in tropical sea and surface temperatures. Together with these climatic changes extra tropical do tracks are projected to shift towards the poles. on the whole these changes together with the decreases in show cover lead continue into the future.The economic and environmental risks are unfathomable and would effectively impede nations strides towards the achievements of sustainable suppurations. However, there is hope that if precautions and measures are taken to reduce green house gases today the noble costs of environmental and economic end and disruption can fairly be mitigated. This calls for lifestyle changes, economic policies and regulations and international efforts that not only overhaul reduce the causative agents of climate change and global warming but also foster allowance and mitigation measures to meet the challenges of climate change.Climate change and Tourism Cl imate change, especially global warming has grown to be a pivotal issue in the development and management of tourism. The relationship amid the environment, climate and tourism sector is currently a highly sensitive economic matter. Climate change is increasingly driving tourism development and decision making, changing tourism destinations and even phaeton tastes. Tourism sector remains a non negligible contributor to climatic changes. GHG emissions from transport and accommodation essential be reduced in accordance with international standards.Tourism sector cannot address the challenges of climatic changes themselves and in closing off but they can only do this in the context of sustainable development and the broader international development agenda. Tourism and the sustainability of tourism destinations is dependent on climate variability. The length and the quality of seasons as head as destination choice and the level of tourist spending are all determined by climate chang e. Climate change and winter sports Winter sports constitute a very source of income and the reliability of snow is a key element in the touristic purpose.Skiing and snowboarding are the most common forms of writer sports but others such as snow hiking and cross-country go also depends on the reliability and the availability of full snow. Mountainous areas are al instructions very sensitive to climate change hence less snow, warming permafrost, receding glaciers and extreme events such as landslides. Additionally climate change shift mountain animal and flora. These effects pose a direct threat to locomote resorts in the United States. Lower honorarium in winter tourism result only serve to exacerbate economic disparities that exist between the alpine regions and the more developed urban areas.These changes will also increase the risk of only locomote at high lift up the mountain. If this was to happen there would be an intense concentration of sports activities in certain regions as well as further putting pressure on the environmentally sensitive high mountains. The extrapolation of the effects of global warming on winter tourism extends to the viability of the mountain cable way companies that use the availability of snow as a prerequisite for their financial stability. Without snow or overflowing snow the profitability of the ski industry is impossible.The absence of snow in the mountains will be like having a summer without a sea. The variability of the winter season with response to climate change will deny the winter sports industry the right levels of snow at the right time. These forecasts are a destiny in planning for trips at shorter notices especially the weekends (Rolf Burki et al, 2003) Studies undertaken in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Australia, Switzerland and the United States to establish the impact of climate change on the tourism sector show severe implications especially to the winter sports industry.While rough regions wi th high technological advances like adaptation strategies (artificial snow making) will maintain their tourism, others unable to adapt the valuable technologies will lose out. These expeditionions in business volumes will not only be set by limiting snow levels but also the fact that skiers respond flexibility to snow conditions. During a snow poor season, 49% of skies are most likely to change to a resort that is fairly more snow reliable, 32% would reduce the frequency of skiing and only 4% would give up the sport. united together with the fact that climate change has a direct effect on the number of ski days, those unable to adapt to expensive technologies will be disadvantaged and pushed out of business. (Rolf Burki et al, 2003). Snow resorts not concentrate in snow reliable high altitude areas will be forced to withdraw from the marketplace because of decreasing levels of snow. For transport industries that will offer access to high altitude areas (sometimes higher than 20 0m) business prospects will be good due an judge increase in skiing at the high altitudes.The effect of this will be quantitative expansion of the high altitude skiing resorts hence eliciting a negatively charged environmentally feedback effect caused by disruption of the ecologically sensitive high altitude mountain regions. Presently, this expected expansion to high altitude areas has been the theme of many concept studies that influence the opening up of proud Mountain (Breiling and Charamza, 1999) It is for these effects of climate change that during a recent campaign in Portsmouth, N. H, Barrack Obama the parliamentary Party presidential candidate reiterated that there is need to address the urgency of global warming on the ski industry.He said that global warming is not a future problem but a present one. This problem has made New Hampshire to have shorter sporting seasons and people are losing jobs. He further reiterated that residents of North America ski areas together with their customers should work hand in hand to change their strength spending. habits and resort to green technology if they were to prevent climate caused melt-downs (Laura Bly, 2007) Resorts have started investing in sustainable seafood practices, local food supplies, biodiesel powered snow cats and embracing the use of more energy efficient snow making equipment.To achieve this, campaigns on global warming and discounts are being offered to guests who come in hybridisation cans. What is even more impressing is that resorts have taken the challenge of campaigning for these changes as well as playing as advocates for intergovernmental change. Effects of global warming have also been reported in Burlington Vt. The city is usually carpeted in December but unfortunately changing climatic conditions has created a mild mail where snowfall is meager just an inch thick.The temperatures are becoming warmer and fewer trails open. However, these fears have been allayed by the optimis m of the meteorological department prediction that the season will progress as Christmas approaches. According to Michael Berry president of the National ski Areas Association, the potential impacts winter recreation, the mountain ecosystem and the way of life of residents in these areas cannot be ignored. Global warming has a direct and profound effect on the ski business as it depends entirely on the variability of hold out.To drive this process of change, the association has adapted a policy to regulate and arrest climate change. The reduce, educate and advocate approach was adopted to help in the fight against global warming. cardinal in the policy is a call to ski resorts to work towards the reduction of green house gas emissions individually and collectively, educate the public and guests on the potential impacts of climate change to writer sports industry and be the advocate in pushing for institutional and regulatory changes aimed at curbing greenhouse gas emissions (Mic hael Berry, 2007).To this end almost half of the 59 ski resorts, who have purchased renewable energy credits or use green energy for their lifts and other facilities are 100% green powered hence reducing deoxycytidine monophosphate dioxide emission by 427,596,000 pounds an equivalent of planting almost 17 million trees. Customers are encouraged to rootage their emission and work towards increasing green energy use in their home. Generation of renewable energy through on site solar projects or micro hydro power projects and wind energy has greatly increased with Jimmy Peak Mountain Resort in Massachusetts installing the first wind turbine powered ski area in August 2007.Resort vehicle fleets are now victimisation alternative fuels like biodiesel, they also provide or promote car pooling or mass transit use. Ski resorts are being built using green building techniques and retrofitting existing facilities all with the aim of saving energy. Though an outreach program called Keep Win ter cool millions of people have been educated on global warming and encouraged to institute lifestyle changes to help curb global warming. Specific Impacts of Global Warming on Winter Tourism . SnowThe financial viability and stability of the winter sports tourism industry solely depends on the availability of sufficient snow. Less snow pack is caused by higher average temperatures, on the other hand if there are extremely low temperatures at night accordingly it follows that there is likely to be an average increase in daytime temperatures. In both cases the resultant effect is less mountain snow cover and a reduction in the duration of cover. (Stephen Saunders et al, 2005). This means that recreation will be shortened and the snow will be slushier.The big difference to front situation where snow cover was considerably reduced is that, the capital intensity of the winter sports tourism will be considerably high. When this is study in the context of profits from ski dependent bu sinesses, taxes from local and verbalise governments, the financial prospects of industries in the winter tourism sector look bleak. However, the most important link between climate change and mountain tourism is less snow and, as a consequence, less cyberspace in ski tourism. GlaciersStatistics all over the world point to the fact that there is a general retreat of glacial cover all over the world. Taking Switzerland as an example, since 1850, the Swiss glaciers have wooly-minded slightly more than 25% of their surface. If this was to continue in the future, by 2030, approximately 20% to 70% of the entire Swiss glacial cover will disappear. This is a real problem for the ski industry not only in Switzerland but across the world as ski tourists will resort to other countries with snow availability.The effect of this trend will be putting more pressure on the existing ski facilities as well as acting as an incentive for investment in high altitude areas. Permafrost Melting of per mafrost due to global warming makes mountain areas vulnerable to landslides. Transport facilities such as the mountain cable way stations, the lift masts and buildings become instable. Them costs incurred in bracing and anchoring such buildings when permafrost melts are extremely high.Hiking and climbing in these areas is also made more dangerous hence the loss of taxation due to potential risk of injury like rockfall or other health outcomes. Despite of cries over decreases in snow levels in the future, there is a possibility of winters with heavy snow like that of 1998/1999 that brought a great deal of losses in the winter tourism industry. The avalanche winter destroyed mountain cable ways, ski-lifts and chair lifts. The expenses incurred on sow clearing and the overall loss incurred was in excess of US $ 130 million.Adaptations for the future ski industry should therefore inculcate these historical weather unpredictability patterns in improving the industrys financial viability . Adaptations and Strategies Used by the Tourism Industry to Mitigate Against the Impacts of Global Warming All tourism representatives at political,organizational, entrepreneurial or operational level have been in the forefront in pushing for adaptation strategies to curb climate change and help mitigate the potential effects of global warming.The experiences that project what is going to come in the future are prevalent today and is widely recognised that snow deficient conditions will determine whether winter tourism will remain a possible economic activity. To achieve this a multi sectoral framework that consists of the National Ski Areas Association(NSAA), Natural Resource Defense Council (NRDC), the federal government through the Senate Environment and Public Works, state stakeholders and other non governmental civil society organizations have developed a Climate Change policy aimed at reducing the concentrations of green house emissions.Ski resorts have been encouraged to a dopt safe and efficient energy usage through the exploitation of renewable energy resources. It is this concerted effort in mitigating climate change challenges that also saw the support and s of McCain/Lieberman Climate Stewardship Act to spearhead the fight against global warming. Specifically these attempts will help stabilize the US$ 5 billion mountain resort industry that currently offers employment to 165,000 people.Despite the existence of facts that predict radical effects in the industry, some argue that climate change issues are very magnify and politicized by science and the media. They argue that even though the effects could intensify problems in the industry, the majority of resorts in medium and high altitudes will be barely affected. Discussions should yield strategies that take into account the accuracy of statistical data disseminated on climate change and critically analyze the potential consequences.These issues should further be analyzed with reference to the global competition in the winter tourism sector. The facts that accrue from these forums should then be incorporated in the construction of artificial snow flaking facilities, extend existing ski runs. Opening of high altitude ski resorts (2000-3000m)should be guided by the potential ecological effect. Climate change should not only be viewed as a negative challenge to winter tourism but also as a catalyst to drive radical structural adjustment and change.These developments should take into account the present risks and opportunities as well as foster development that is in line with the strive for environmental and socio economic sustainability. This will create a highly competitive market where customer preference is not only driven by snow availability but by the efficiency of service in some very high end but smaller less extensive resorts. Such top resorts will offer attractive offers for skiing tourists and hence reduce attention on expansive developments with less attractiv e offers. synthetic Snow making This is an ubiquitous strategy that is widely employed to mitigate the risk of climate change. Since its beginning in 1953 at the Grossingers Resort in New York, it has grown to become the principle in the ski industry with an approximate 95% of the resorts engaged in the strategy. Its success has mainly been driven by its valuable superior nature that offers a complete substitute to natural snow fall as well as making it possible to extend skiing durations(Daniel D. D. McGill, 2007).However, this technology is heavily dependent on temperature and is only effective in cases at low temperatures. Technological advances has seen the reduction of labor costs through the use of snow guns operated by computers. Snow making utilizes vast volumes of water and therefore the availability of water must be guaranteed for efficient blanketing of a large resort. Weather Derivatives. These are weather risk management tools structured to enable ski resorts make app ropriate and informed decisions. They can be structured on snow fall temperature according to the customers specifications.Other factors that can be utilized to mitigate the effects of global warming include r4evenue diversification, cloud seeding and marketing to insulate the resorts against variability of weather by enabling them to maximumly capitalize when the weather is excellent. Conclusions Climate change and global warming remains will continue to remain key challenges in the winter tourism industry especially the ski resorts. Less snow, less glaciers and extreme weather events such as landslides are the key determinants of the future viability of ski resorts.Strategies instituted to meet the challenges of climatic change and mitigate the impacts of global warming can never be successful if implemented in isolation. It is commendable fact that the skiing industry has adopted sustainable building techniques,inculcated green principles and technology in their operations among others. These precedents are admirable but we have to admit that when taken in the global context, these measures do very little in stemming the worrying tide of global warming whose effects are felt indiscriminately.Global warming is a worldwide problem and therefore all the measures undertaken by the tourism industry must be in line with national and international guidelines that aim at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In the future, tourist developments will not only be evaluated and judged with respect to their environmental or socio-economic compatibility and viability but they will also be assessed with respect to the climate-compatibility angle.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Importance of English Essay Example for Free

Importance of slope studyBy using language whatsoever maven could make statements, convey facts and intimacy, explain or report something, and livelihood social relations among the language users. These indicate that by means of language, people can express their ideas, feeling, learning and so onthrough communication. Ladies and Gentlemen, As one of language in the world, English is considered and applied as international language. Since then, it is in truth popular and have been spoken and learnt by almost people in the world. There are some reasons why English is important and many people attempt to learn it. Some of them are for purpose job, traveling, interacting one each other, doing business, taking examination, doing research, writing in the foreign language, etc. Ladies and Gentlemen, In such developing country like Indonesia, English has a vital role in all aspects of life, particularly in apprehension and technology. Furthermore, it can be used for developing relationships in the international forum, for reading English hold back (especially for students from primary school up to colleges/university), to tighten the relationship among nations in the world, etc.As students, we learn English are intended to obtain various knowledge, to comprehend and understand the textbooks learned in English, to gain knowledge and skills, and to be ready enter to the university, as one of the test requirements for students of senior High School (SMA), etc. Looking at the above important roles of English, that is why English is very important to understand and to passe-partout by every people throughout the world since before. My brothers and sisters At the end of my idiom, I will quotation mark a wise expressionThis expression reminds us how importance of English for human life is. As global or universal language, English is not only enables us to communicate and interact with every people throughout the world, but also it could alter our life to be better. Furthermore, we also must(prenominal) be aware that the western countries play extra ordinary role in developing and keeping science and technology. Thus, if we want to be a skilful scientists, linguists, and be able to compete with the other countries in the world, we must understand, master and learn the language they use, namely English.Ladies and Gentlemen, Before ending this speech, let me conclude the essential points of my speech 1. English is highly necessary to be learned and mastered by everyone, in order to be able to compete in the globalization era 2. English is a key to open and master science and technology, because most of scientists write their experts and inventions in English. 3. As students of high school (SMA), we have to prepare ourselves by learning hard, particularly English as well as the other subjects at school 4.By mastering English enables us to become survive and go anywhere throughout the world Goethe (a Hellenic philosopher) has ever said Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do immortalise Language indicates Nation. And Dont Forget English is a bridge for the future Ladies and Gentlemen, I commend its completely enough for me to this point. The wrong utterances are caused by limitation of my ability and the right one is merely from Allah SWT. So, I beg your pardon, finally I say.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Nick in the opening chapter of The Great Gatsby Essay Example for Free

chip off in the gap chapter of The Great Gatsby EssayNick Carraway is the narrator of The Great Gatsby. He begins the novel by talk somewhat himself he says that he is very tolerant, and has a tendency to reserve judgment. The opening paragraphs teach us a lot about Nick and his attitude toward Gatsby and others. Nick introduces himself to us as a childly man from the Midwest who has come East to learn. He tells us that hes tolerant, inclined to reserve judgment about people, and a good listener. People tell him their secrets beca role they admire and trust him. If you read closely, youll see that Nick has an shot feeling toward Gatsby, almost as if he himself (who knows the story and its ending) doesnt know what to expect.From the novels opening paragraph onward, this will hold on create tension in Nicks narrative. He both loves Gatsby and is critical of him. He hates Gatsbys crass and vulgar attitude, solely he also admires the man for his aspirations. Specifically, Gat sbys romantic readiness, and his extraordinary gift for hope.The reader realises that Gatsby presented, and still presents, a scrap or opposition to the way in which Nick is accustomed to thinking about the world. It is clear from the storys opening moments that Gatsby is not quite how he appears on the outside. Despite being vulgar, Nick describes Gatsbys personality as gorgeous.The novels characters be obsessed by class and privilege. Its the high-class lives that intrigue the common man, an idea which continues today with the footballers wives culture.Our first scan of Tom Buchanan shows a powerful man standing in riding clothes with his legs apart on his front porch. The riding clothes ar a classic symbol or high-status. Tom exploits his status. He is horrible, completely lacking positive aspects. His wife describes him as a big, hulking physical specimen, and he seems to use his size to dominate others. The fact that Daisy chooses to comment on his size rather than personal ity insinuates that there is energy good about his personality to comment on. We are ushered into the living room with its frosted wedding ginmill ceiling, its wine coloured rug, and its enormous sofa on which are seated two women in white.They are Jordan Baker and Toms wife, Daisy Buchanan. Fitzgerald controls the whole scene through his use of colours. White and gold suggest a conspiracy of beauty, cleanliness, innocence and wealth. Underneath this picturesque surface there is something wrong. Jordan is bored and unamused.She yawns a few times. There is something fairly unpleasant about the atmosphere. The telephone rings, and Tom is called from the room to answer it. When Daisy follows him out, Jordan Baker confides to Nick that the call is from Toms adult female in New York.Daisy Buchanan stands in contrast to her husband. She is frail and shy, and actually doesnt seem completely shallow. She laughs at every opportunity. This makes me wonder if its an awkward laugh, perhaps she doesnt feel she belongs there? Though she remarks that everything is in decline, she does so only in order to seem to agree with her husband. The visual purity of Daisy and Jordan stands in contrast to their actual decadence and corruption.Nick arrives home, and gets his first glimpse of Gatsby. Gatsby is standing on the lawn, stretching out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way. Nick believes that he can see Gatsby trembling. As Nick looks out at the water, he can see nothing except a single green light, minute and utmost away, that might have been the end of a dock.Bibliography-F Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby Ch. 1