Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Educational Goals and Philosophy :: Teaching Education Philosophy

Educational Goals and Philosophy Deciding on a passage is a very difficult decision for each unitary to posit, especially for someone adept coming out of high school. I always knew that I precious to work with children, but I didnt know what field I wanted to be in. After thinking about what field I could be in that I could work with children the most, I decided to bring about a instructor. I have always had a great rent of respect for most of the teachers Ive had and hopefully I will be able to gain that respect from my students. I believe that if you are dismissal to teach, you have to have some degree of love for children. Once any teacher has lost that, I think it is epoch for them to stop teaching. The cardinal most important things that have inspired me to become a teacher are being able to work with young children all the time and the personal rewards that come with teaching. My biggest goal as a teacher is to make a child want to discipline. I believe children in oecumenic do want to learn and it is our job as teachers to give them a chance to do that. I think in order for a child to want to learn, we have to make schooling fun and interesting. I believe that by relating the students every day lives to the material they are learning will help accomplish this. Knowing that I have taught a child something, have made a child want to learn or have made a difference in a childs life would be the most rewarding opinion in the world. As a teacher one of the main strategies that I want to incorporate into my classroom is cooperative learning. Cooperative learning gives the students a chance to get to know each other better, to work unneurotic on things, and to depend on one another to get things done. other reason I prefer this type of learning is that instead of one individual person failing or succeeding, it is the group as a whole (sink or swim together).

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