Thursday, March 28, 2019

Death: Friend Or Foe? :: essays research papers

It is safe a fact we all must run low Some of us are afraid of the uncertainty that death brings. Therefore, it is regarded as an enemy, a tragedy, and the unavoidable downside of life. Others live day by day conditioned that death will come, besides they shake up no fear. They are not in a hurry to meet him, but are making preparations for the encounter. Myself, now that I am old, will be looking forward-moving to the carry that I will be going to spend my eternity. I am an eternal being you screw. I have heard it is a place I can happily anticipate. I?fm sword lily because I am very old and feeble.I am ninety-five years old and it is period, death has crept in on me. I have never welcomed an unannounced stranger especially at night. This was our first encounter, that I knew he was a friend. I was just getting officious for bed when it happened. Now, I have to remind you that I did not know that it was time to die. I just lay down and that was the last time I would ever hear my children?fs voice, or see the sun face-lift or set. But you see I have lived a full phase of the moon life and I am looking forward to going to the place that I have wanted to be all my adult life. I have to say I did not know slightly it when I was a child. It would have saved me a lot of excess fear if I had. But I did all that I knew how to do plot of ground I lived here on earth. My life on earth seems same such a short time when I?fm about to experience eternity.Somewhere in the still of the night, my being, my very soul seemed to just float about my domicile. I am calling my body my house because I am leaving it behind. I left it right there still, cold, and lifeless. When I opened up my eyes I stood in preceding of a gate. This was no ordinary gate it was made of pearl, one grand pearl, and the likes of which no man has ever seen. It opened as if by magic, but actually I was invited to come in. The light of this city was so gifted and pure that it seemed to bring with it a flood of peace.

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