Thursday, March 28, 2019

A classic example of socialism is John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath

A classic object lesson of collectivism is backside Steinbecks The Grapes of WrathThe idea of socialism has transcended down in history from theproletariat fighting for rights in France to Marxist revolutions andLeninists in Russia. collectivist economy is the helping of the laboring classmore so it is the uprising and take a firm stand of power of the laboringclass. A classic example of socialism is John Steinbecks The Grapesof Wrath. legion(predicate) people thought this book was an pom-pom on America, dueto its social views. Grapes of Wrath was not a book of attack orslander on America, rather it was more of an awakening or cry for miscellanea. Steinbeck seems to be the voice of the masses. Steinbeck wantsto suggest, through character, settings and idea filled chapters, howsocialist reforms would bring upon a dignified lifestyle for thedisadvantages people from the mid-west. He calls for change and expectsfor enlightenment through his novel, not to cast aspersions orcritic ize.During the 1930s, the era of impression in America, many people wereafraid of communist ideas that were present overseas. Many people feltthat Steinbeck was supporting these ideas. If someone was aquestioner, a thinker, or someone who went against the mold, likeSteinbeck, they were called a red. In other words, that somebody wasconsidered a communist. Steinbeck, through his novel, brought theworst stories of America and showed them to the world. He did this inhope of spreading the idea of socialism.Steinbeck shows the spread of socialism through two important charactersJim Casy and Tom Joad. He displays them as lacking(p), wanting a betterlife, wanting something more spiritually, wanting something more fortheir folks. The only thing that seems to ... ...ds. Al gets to be ateenager, not a responsible driver. He bunghole now look for girls and etc.But when the family leaves the live, due to no work, the family fallsapart. The atomic number 7. The socialism at the camp is w hat made most ofthem happy and unplowed them together. But Ma Joad knew better. She showsthat socialism has to be widespread, it cant just be in one spot. Ithas to take over everything and be thought by everyone.When the normality ends, the requirement of socialism in societybecomes important again. Through kayoed the novel, Steinbeck tries togive us a clear picture of what is needed to gag law all the sufferingthat was going on in our nation. Tom Joad, Jim Casy, the camp and acouple chapters teach the future readers that we can make a differencein peoples lives. We have made a difference. Today socialism is aliveand working well for America.

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